
  • Welcome!

    22 nov 2021

    A new foreign researcher has been employed at the Tomsk Scientific Center (TSC) of the SB RAS. Sven Rutkowski, a highly qualified specialist in physical chemistry and engineering, has joined its research team in October 2021. The area of his scientific interests is physical and chemical surface treatment methods for medical devices.

  • How can corrosion of magnesium alloys be prevented?

    28 sep 2021

    Collaboration of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), including both Tomsk Scientific Center (TSC) and Institute of High Current Electronics (IHCE), with Milan Polytechnic University (Italy) continues. Scientists from two countries have proposed optimal methods for electron-beam processing of magnesium alloys, which enable to improve their corrosion resistance by several times. One of the results of this international cooperation is the ‘Surface properties modification alloys by low energy high current pulsed electron-beam’ paper in the ‘Surface and Coatings Technology’ journal (Q1 according to the Web of Science database).

  • A mathematical model of mechanochemical synthesis will improve the efficiency of SHS processes.

    11 aug 2021

    The scientists from the Research Department for Structural Macrokinetics (Tomsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Physical and Chemical Processes in Heterogeneous Systems Oleg Lapshin and Senior Researcher Oksana Ivanova have published an article "Macrokinetics of mechanochemical synthesis in heterogeneous systems: Mathematical model and evaluation of thermokinetic constants" in the high-ranking journal Materials Today Communications.

  • A new review summarizing the effect of high-energy processing of zirconium and its alloys has been published in the Nuclear Engineering and Design journal

    2 aug 2021
    Continuing a research cycle on summarizing results of the effect of high-energy processing on zirconium and its alloys Mikhail Slobodyan, a Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Advanced Technologies of the TSC SB RAS, has published a review entitled ‘High-energy surface processing of zirconium alloys for fuel claddings of water-cooled nuclear reactors in a high-ranking journal ‘Nuclear Engineering and Design’.

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